Book - Who Am I? by Lenny Henry

From the black kid from Dudley to one of the most recognised faces in the UK, I’d say his mum’s instruction to h’intergrate is well and truly accomplished.

The thing about reading a book from someone we think we know so well (unlike Michelle Obama) is what else is there to say? The answer is lots. A big family, black and white minstrel shows and the copying of jokes for starters.

in this book, Sir Lenny Henry takes us just through the 1970s growing up in public and stops before the 80s. I’m taking this as the most interesting part of his life. I read about the stories behind his perennial joke about his mum raising her hand if ever he was out of line. He probably wasn’t that much as despite being a comedian while still at school he became a factory apprentice like many of his neighbours. He wanted another life though and as his (still) best mates left Dudley to further their education or start careers, he started performing his jokes to anyone that will listen.

We hear much about the racism of the 70s and being just a few years behind him, I don’t recall this as much, but I do understand it was different for the black kids.

We get taken on the roller-coaster ride that was New Faces all the way through to Tiswas. If there is book two, I’ll be reading it.

There’s a great insight into how he survived all of those nights in working men’s clubs - by being a decent bloke I think - and why he stayed so long with the Black and White Minstrel Show. I’m pretty sure we watched this along with everyone else in Britain and didn’t for a minute think it was racist. Come to think of it, there was a lot we just laughed along with - sitcoms, golly-wogs on jam jars (I love them!) and it’s only in hindsight that we know different.

This is such an honest and funny read that is so clearly in his own cheery voice. I loved reading about the streets of 1970s Dudley which is only down the road from me and I will be looking at the place differently next time I visit. I definitely want to go to Dudley Zoo. Do they still have comedy nights?