Film - Dolomite Is My Name

Dolomite is my name is filled with colour much like  Rudy Ray Moore who’s story this portrays. 

 Rudy Ray Moore was a singer/comedian and the story goes that after hearing a street guy tell jokes, he took on the Dolomite persona and re-invented himself as a sweary comedian. At first, he stole the jokes and memorised them with hours of practice in front of the mirror, then ‘Dolomite’ took a life of its own.

The film is exuberant in its storytelling where even through all the knock backs, we know Dolomite and his accumulated crew are going to survive, partly because he’s looking out for everyone. I especially love the friendship he has with a fellow comedian who he rates and therefore supports. 

After cutting a couple of 18+ rated records, he puts everything into making a film, managing to get some investment and in which everyone he knows gets a part. This is the early 1970s so it’s wonderful to see the clothes and interiors as the amateur film-makers are all holed up in an old run-down building with no electricity, trying to make a movie.

Rudy Ray Moore enterprising ways mean he finally achieves his dream of having his name in lights at the cinema and more importantly, having black people see people like themselves represented on the big screen.
