Book: A Bad Boy Stole My Bra by Lauren Price

The author was a teenager when she wrote this, so very much held in high esteem by me for that. I picked this up in Oxfam in Harbourne where pretty much all my second-hand finds come from. It took three stints to finish this, as I read it in between other books. It was sacrificed when something more interesting came along. Not to take away from it.

The bad boy is Alec Wilde, newly moved next to Riley and later turns up at her school. They clash over the aforementioned bra taking incident and everything else. That’s not a spoiler as that is literally the title. What is worrying is that someone can come in through a young women’s bedroom window while she sleeps. We’ll gloss over that in a true romcom way.

Riley wants to get her revenge on this infuriatingly cocky guy but of course, falls for him at the same time. Much to her annoyance.

What I found most fascinating is that the book is stateless. It seems very deliberate to make this transatlantic by avoiding any language that will distinguish it. This is the reason I looked to the back to see where the author is based.

Young adult fiction fans will love it.