What I love about Twitter

As published by Enterprise Nation.What I love about Twitter (and some tips for good tweeting)Freelance writer and Enterprise Nation community member Rickie Josen has previously told us about her love of networking through MeetUp and Jelly. She’s also a regular contributor to our Twitter-based daily #Watercoolermoment. Here’s why Rickie thinks Twitter is such a great networking tool – along with a few personal gripes!

Chances are, you are reading this because it was mentioned on Twitter and that’s one of the many reasons I love it, writes Rickie. Here are ten more reasons to love it:

What I love about Twitter…

1. My number one reason why I choose Twitter over all the other social media platforms is the speed. I’m a freelancer, time is in short supply and I can catch up on Twitter by the time I’ve walked from coffee shop to home (trying not to bump into any inconveniently placed lampposts along the way).2. The fact that we take a few seconds to type a little message for the world to see and then we can add a link or photo if they want to know more (Tip: Please do shrink your link so you have room to tell us why we should open it!).3. The news. Personal or international, it’s how I find out about everything. I trust my followers to tell me what I need to know and don’t read any other news.4. The #hashtags which allow us to find out about people with a common interest or at the same event simply by searching for the hashtag – ie, #handmade or #livemusic. More specifically, I love our very own#watercoolermoment and #TechTuesday hashtags that home workers use each weekday at 11am for Twitter banter.5. The lists. Life is busy, I’m on the go all the time (thank goodness!) so I limit my follows to around 70 and I make sure I keep on top of these; read and retweet, reply or forward. Everyone else I keep on lists – mainly the ‘Interesting People’ list which is made up of all the people I would also follow if I didn’t need to earn, eat and sleep as well. I do catch up on these at some point during the day and would you believe, this list (c. 450 people) is in turn followed by 50 people! I’ve also started a ‘Canada list’ because as you’ll see from my short and concise profile, I’m an aspiring Vancouverite!6. It’s personable. Yes of course we talk about what work we are doing but there is lots of humour and good news spread. The Twitteratti will look out for us if we’re kind, responsive and supportive in the first place.7. I love that I can introduce people on Twitter in a matter of seconds; no cumbersome small-talk emails to compose.8. I love that I can tweet a large organisation and get a response from a real person.9. Finding things. From the place I live in, to events, to magazines to articles about book publishing, cake and new independent coffee shops (especially new coffee or cake shops). Plus I love the feedback and hearing about other people’s, too.10. Making friends. Twitter has been responsible for both building friendships with people I meet in the real world first and vice-versa. I love (and am sometimes freaked out by) when I turn up at a new place or meet a new person and they already know something about me. What’s not to love?

…and a few things I don’t

Well a few things actually (a little rant coming)Read the rest on Enterprise Nation hereFollow me on Twitter