The birth of Birmingham Vintage Fair

Huge thanks to Rebecca Sloan from Glacier Films for this fantastic film[youtube] @glacier_films   @Rebecca_sloan                     Before I start going through all the feedback (we gave out feedback forms – taking this very seriously!), I just want to document what worked for me.

The highs

The music; LOVE, now and forever Two bands? Well of course, it’s my event.The guitar solos, the hair, the psychedelia, and the shirts – I’m in musical heaven, if a little self indulgent. The traders trust in the event despite it being a new and unique concept what with Retro café and live music as well as lots of handmade and jewellery all mixed up with the more usual vintage. This is no ordinary event and I would never want it to be.The fantastic effort they made to make their booth as unique as possible and to spread the word is just amazing.The amount of people who came (258 paid + over 60 in the room, nearer 400 all in all.)And the feedback, ideas and support they gave. The family, festival atmosphereThe outfits; so many people in 70s style which somehow made us all feel even more chilled out and laid back. The number of Twitter mentionsThe support of Fellows Auctions, 24 Carrots, MyJQ and Jewellery Quarter Association who had nothing to gain other than help raise the profile of this wonderful neighbourhood The press coverage – Birmingham Mail, the Post and even Express & Star all covered it as well as mentions on Switch Radio. These are just the ones I know about.The cakes – three cake stands? Well of course, it’s my event The festival vibe achieved without the alcoholThe staff and the volunteersThe film makers & photographers who took hundreds of fantastic and differing photosThe music. Again.