Music Monday - S is for Bruce Springsteen

It's safe to say, this has taken some effort. It was so hard, I couldn't even face it the first time 'S' came around on Music Monday. 40 years of back catalogue cannot be put into a top 5, that's just wrong. So the Boss get's the Madonna treatment, categories of best tracks.

When researching to make sure I hadn't missed any I saw Springsteen genre desribed as 'Jersey Shore' and 'Heartland Rock' and I love them both; undeniably American.

Before I start, die hard Boss fans will dispute this list but it's my list. So:

Best of the best

1. Born to Run - one of the most inpsiring songs ever recorded

2. Tunnel of Love - I just love it, from my favourite Boss album which takes the roof off live. (Fact that we were outdoors not relevant)

3. Hungry Heart - guaranteed smile on anyone's face

4. Brilliant Disguise - a class tune

5. The River - old school classic

Best Live

1 Trapped - this is actually one of my favourite Boss tracks anyway but it heads the live list

2 Santa Claus is Coming to Town - one of the best Christmas songs of all time

3 Because the Night - made a classic by Patti Smith & only just released as studio version so for long, we just knew this from live shows

4 I'm on Fire - brings the house down and the lighters up (back in the day)

5. Radio Nowhere - a modern live classic already


1. Born in the USA

2. Murder Incorporated

3. The Rising - will always remind me of being in America both for the presidential elections and the Inauguration 2008/9

Old School

1. Mary's Place - relatively new but with the old school vibe

2. Badlands

3. Thunder Road

4. Out in the Streets

5. All That Heaven Will Allow


1. Girls in their Summer Clothes

2. Human Touch

3. Working on a Dream

4. Waiting on a Sunny Day

5. One Step up

Special mention

Outlaw Pete

From the 2009 'Working on a Dream' album, it's too new to be an all time favourite but I love it. It reminds me of 'I was Born for Loving You' by Kiss, which helps.

Best Album

Tunnel of Love - for all the above reasons

It's also the soundtrack of my marriage and divorce and seems like that was also the case for Mr & Mrs Springsteen No: 1

Secondly, the first time I went to see the epic 4 hour live shows of old was the tour for this album. Ulitmately, it's because the album is ram-packed with fine tunes.

More on the Boss