Movie - The Spy Next Door

A nothing-else-to-see movie day moment results in me seeing this throwaway escapist film. In fact I would have forgotten all about it if I was wasn’t writing this. That doesn’t make it rubbish, simply a throwaway escapist film which takes you to another, sillier place for an hour or so.Yes Jackie Chan works for the government as is often the case but this time he plays a spy seconded to the CIA. With just one mission to go before retirement, he fails to tell his new girlfriend, a single mother next door, of his real job so the family think he is a much more dreary pen maker. Although I’m pretty sure it defeats the purpose if you tell all and sundry you are in fact an undercover spy but this is family film so anything is possible.To prove his paternal capability to his potential bride, he offers to look after her three hapless, impish children whilst she goes on a trip and all sort of mayhem is guaranteed after one of them downloads something that belongs to the bad guys. Cue many martial arts moves.Remember to wait for the trademark outtakes with the credits to continue the hilarity.7/10Smile factor 8½/10 Follow my updates on Twitter[youtube=]