Movie – The Lego Movie

As universally appealing as Lego, a must see for all ages!This Lego realm is similar to the bricks, in that each world has its own character; pirates, Star Wars, Egyptians, American Civil War etc. An ordinary construction worker happens to be chosen as an MasterBuilder who will save the world. Except he is clueless and watches in amazement as other characters  zap up flying machines and build cars using their vivid imagination in just seconds. The best he can come up with is a bunk sofa so two lots of people can sit and watch TV. (Not a bad idea, actually but not world-saving).Throw in some superheroes, including Batman and Superman and a story that has a go at corporates and their micro managers controlling the world at every turn. Add some fast-talking references to all sorts of pop culture, and the you have the Lego Movie. Plus a great message!7½/10Smile factor 9/10Coffee rating: Cappuccino