Movie - The Last Stand

This year, we have new movies from Arnie, Sly and Willis so it sure feels like I’m in a happy time warp. Admittedly, I was never a fan of Sly and only really have loyalty to Arnie because he was in one of my all time faves, Terminator 2. However, I do aim to watch whatever Willis puts out.Regardless, I’m a like a kid with the largest sized bucket of popcorn knowing that all three are in action again in 2013. It really doesn’t matter about the film. Well, it matters a bit, it has to be entertaining. It doesn’t have to be ground breaking.So on those parameters this film does the job. It’s not groundbreaking.Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a sheriff. Yes you heard right; he’s a retired cop that’s seen a lot of bad stuff and is now the head lawman in small town America. But it wouldn’t be an action flick without something major going down and what’s going down is the super bad guy who manages to escape high security whilst being moved from prison. It turns out he may well be going through Smalltown in order to cross the border out of America. There is quite a neat, but tried, action sequence there but otherwise the laughs are few and until the last third of the film, which is a big shame.They should just let Arnie come out with the clichéd one liners, that’s what makes these films.Anyway, The Last Stand has most of the ingredients but I was just expecting something a little slicker for a comeback film.7½/10Smile factor 9/10