Movie: Non-Stop

Or as I call it Taken 5, or whatever number we’re on for the new breed of Liam Neeson action films. So, apparently someone is on board threatening to kill a person every 20 minutes unless they get paid. But who is it? Everyone is made to look like a suspect in the opening scenes as the plane fills up. Once you get over all the blatant errors that a four-year old would pick up, you can sit back and enjoy the flight film. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen until the last few minutes.I mean, why would your boss thing you’ve gone rogue and instead of doing your job as a US Air Marshall you hijack the plane? With no actual motivation?Why would you not pick up the fact that someone is filming your actions and therefore potentially uploading it on to You Tube while you’re flying over the Atlantic?             On that note, how is Wi-Fi so readily available on the plane when sometimes I find it hard to get in the middle of Birmingham?Why is the only person that believes our Marshall Nelson is for real, played by Julianne Moore, is so chilled out when all around her are breaking into fights and killing each other? And why do the air stewards look like they are in a Star Trek film?For the answers to these, don’t look to Non-Stop. Instead, shout at the screen, enjoy your chocolates but do sit back and enjoy your flight.7½/10Smile factor 6/10Coffee rating: Filter