Movie – Midnight Special

I have no idea why this is called Midnight Special – I did have to take a comfort break during the movie though so may have missed something.The intriguing story of a little boy who is clearly being kidnapped and taken away from a cult. What intrigues is trying to ascertain who the good guys are. Even when we establish he is clearly with people who have his best interests at heart, I wonder if there’ll be twist at the end and that isn’t the case.This is sci-fi. The boy can’t be in daylight, he can only come out at night and there are some alien goings on. We just don’t know what. Maybe that’s where the title comes from, the fact he can only travel to where he needs to get to, by night?I think this is a fairly original film of family loyalty, love and smattering of sci-fi that you just have to go along with to keep the story moving.8/10