Movie – Inferno

I think I’ve seen the first two in this franchise on the telly box, or I may have just seen the same one a couple of times. It matters not. I haven’t been to the cinema all month, mainly because it was Birmingham Literature Festival which entices me to something at least every evening. There’s nothing else on and oh, it’s Hanks.So having seen bits on TV and know that the film is about solving puzzles while destroying some of the most famous buildings across Europe. Inferno benefits from strong female characters. Come to think of it, I'm unaware of a recent Hanks film that don't.Ok that’s simplistic. I enjoyed Inferno – it is a thriller after all and had enough twists and turns to keep me captivated. I forgave why Dr Langdon (Tom Hanks) woke up in a hospital and immediately trusted a doctor he met 87 seconds ago to aid his escape when gunmen came after him. Because he had amnesia (Trust me, that’s more believable than the plot of the Jack Reacher film).Worth a watch.7½/10