Movie - Hercules

This wouldn’t normally be on my list but there’s not much on and just how do you follow Dawn of the Planet of the Apes anyway?With a throwaway, silly film, that’s how.It’s mercifully short, has enough humour to keep you awake and actually, the story in this version, ain’t half bad.Despite starting with the back story – the whole half god/half human legend thing – the film doesn’t take itself too seriously. There is constant reference to the myth versus reality; from the off, we see Hercules going in to save his nephew from certain death and he goes in with a team of people, hidden from view who execute a carefully laid out plan.The ‘H team’ work for money – gold. They go into fight battles, sort out the bad guys and keep good guys safe. Except for the next mission, things go array, without giving too much away.It has terrible Kick Ass comic book style credits at the end; at the risk of sounding truly middle-aged, modern music has no place here. But all round, a good old-fashioned escapism film.7½/10Smile factor 8/10