Movie – Hachi, A Dogs Tale

I had not heard of this Richard Gere film, no trailer, poster, interview or any publicity came past my eyes but its movie day and there’s nothing else on. Surely a light-hearted tale about a man and his dog will be inoffensive.What a peculiar reason for a film.Yes it is a simple film about a man finds stray dog, owner nowhere to be found, eventually owner persuades perfect wife and perfect daughter to keep the dog in their perfect home.The both go out to do perfect jobs, musician composer and something else artistic (seemingly part time, who commutes by train and still gets home before 5pm?) whilst their daughter dates the perfect potential son-in-law.All the while they are growing fond of this little dog that came into their lives although the dog – not so perfect. He’s apparently a royal oriental dog and so doesn’t fetch or play ball. Hachi is however loyal and playful and extremely clever, which of course if the point of the film.It’s not all fluffy though as the film has some seriously sad parts but all contained within the family-friendly ‘U’ rating.The film does what it says on the tin, innocuous and innocent.If you don’t love animals, like me you may find it a little too twee but actually the movie has some quite powerful moments.7/10Smile 8/10[youtube=]