Luvdrop - a new enterprise

In case I haven't mentioned, just wanted to let you know about a new enterprise I've started.What There are plenty internet dating sites around. LuvDrop is not one of them.LuvDrop is not about finding Mr or Mrs Right, although that may come along later. LuvDrop is about encouraging people to date again. The only criteria is to be single.Put simply, we use modern technology (MeetUp, Twitter, FB) to enable single people to be in a room together. Thereafter, we introduce them and let nature take its cause.It’s like we’re holding a small party and have invited our single friends to it. Naturally we introduce them to each other, make sure they are comfortable and have a drink in hand and are not left alone for any length of time.Ahead of time, we’ll make sure they have plenty of notice, know where they are going and provide them with contact details.WhyThere is no dating scene to speak of in Birmingham or maybe I’m just spoilt by spending so much time in New York. In any case, a friend and I were talking about this one day and a few weeks later, we decided to start LuvDrop.WhenThe first event is planned for October 12thAll the events will be Monday to Thursday around 8pm or possibly during weekend daytimes. There will be no events on the busy Friday or Saturday unless it’s a special occasion. 8pm starts allow people to go home, get ready and present themselves in the dress code of ‘first date’!WhereAt nice venues around Birmingham city centre where we can have a private corner but not necessarily tucked away from the rest of the customers. After all, LuvDrop is about enabling people to get out and start dating again.HowBy membership.We’ll accept members by application and then we’ll ask for a token membership fee. We only want to include intelligent, professional and mature men and women who will show respect to their fellow other members.Who This is run jointly by me and my business partner Darren Hawkins. We will both host each event and each be available to assist members by email and face to face. Our job is to make them feel welcome and introduce them to the others, just like good hosts do.I'd really love to know about any experience you've had generally in the dating arena. Please comment here or drop me a line at rickie@luvdrop.comLink to article on The Business Desk