Life in my Hands

My left hand has many more lines than the other.Does that mean I have lots more adventures to come or have I had most of them already?I would bet that I have scores more to come as I’ve become accustomed to my life being one big adventure or more truthfully, a succession of mini journeys. A bit like child size portions, I am largely blessed with oodles of mini events that put a smile on my face and make be feel a little more sanctified on more days than none.To think where these hands have been. What they have touched. Who they have touched. In different countries. In different decades. In different situations. All part of the rich tapestry that is life.My life is full of the wonderment of gorgeous memories like each sweet in a pic-a-mix packet being different but similar. I have had more of an assortment of sweets than the average person, maybe 5 or even 10 lifetimes worth.Perhaps more than I deserve but I’d be the first to protest that I put a lot into my life to achieve the goal of happiness. It is not by luck.The best thing is I’m no longer chained to the corporate or indeed the business world but I’m building a portfolio career to fit around my lifestyle, the lifestyle of the semi-retired.The best is yet to come.Originally from February 2009
