Gratitude List – February 2010

I always say life is in three parts and if you have two right at any one time, you’re doing OK: love life, home life, work life – all three would be amazing.In January, love life was great, home life was a disaster and work life needed working on.1. This month, I’m most grateful for a fabulous new job. A good job would have been great but working for NFP/Charity, in hospitality industry, with schools, in Birmingham and from home is pretty much birthday and Christmas present wrapped up together.And I still own my business which although is mostly outsourced, still has growth potential and is a great source of income.2. Home life: After weeks of searching (and hugely increasing the money I wanted to spend) it was worth the wait. I move into my lovely new spacious, nicely furnished, clean city centre pad at the end of the month. Peace, independence and for the first time in two years, it's just me. Absolute bliss. (Although I did not mind the teensiest bit living with other people whilst in New York).So then there’s the love life; it’s taken a dip. I have no idea what the BF is thinking but he hasn’t contacted me since Valentines, barely acknowledging the cards and poems and I still haven’t heard if he enjoyed the CD I made or received his actual present. He’d received his new local coffee shop gift card – which they had to especially construct for him as they don’t do them.What I do know is that I’m tired of being the only one that seems to want this thing to work some of the time BUT I’m grateful for everything else going right as it would have hurt a helluva lot more a while back. Time will tell.
