Film - Toy Story 4

A fitting tribute to end the Toy Story series, and one I was not expecting seeing as the Kid, Andy, is now all grown up and in college. Last time, Andy gave the toys were given to a new kid. In Toy Story 4, we see Sheriff Woody a bit out of sorts as he doesn’t get picked to play with. Instead, Bonnie makes a new friend. Out of a plastic fork, so literally makes a new friend. Woodie, loyal as ever, still looks out for his new Kid and we see him, Buzz Lightyear and newbie Forkie go on a road trip with the rest of the gang. Forkie thinks it’s trash and is obsessed with bins while the gang follows to rescue it to ensure Bonnie has her current favourite toy.

This film is all about the toys and previous bit-character Bo Peep especially has had a huge makeover. She is now more kick-arse girl power than a passive sidekick and living independently without a Kid. We also meet another outcast, Gaby Gaby who rules all the toys in the antique shop but really, we learn, is desperate to be taken by a Kid.

Amongst the newbies, there’s Duke Caboom, the Evel Knievel type character from Canada who insists we Canado.

There isn’t anyone amongst us who doesn’t imagine that all the little non-human beings we have around our home coming to life when we’re not looking. No matter how old I get, as long as there’s Toy Story, I will believe this to be true.
