Film - The King's Man

Will this prequel to the series have less smut and revert to the brilliance of the original?

That’s what you are thinking too, right?

Yes and no. I really don’t know why they need to do that. Do those few minutes of vulgarity really sell more tickets? They’re narrowing their film audience.

If there were loads of films competing for attention, I won’t have bothered. But here we, right at the beginning to see how and why the Kingsmen were formed. 

The cliques lost The King’s Man more points but there are some fun moments and it moves quickly. Well, it would if they stop all of the unnecessary slow-mo. I went to the loo during the last battle scene knowing it will still be going when I got back. I miss Colin Firth and Mark Strong but Ralph Fiennes holds it together.

Watch if there’s nothing else.
