Film - Oxygen

For last Friday’s film fix, this is how the conversation went:

We’re watching a film about a woman who wakes up in a pod. She spends the whole time trying to figure out how she got there and how she can get out.

And his is your idea of a fun time on a Friday afternoon after a year of mostly being in the house?

I planned to give it ten minutes before running out of the room and turning to a book instead. It turned out not to be as claustrophobic as I thought. Even though we immediately know whe is running out of oxygen, my discomfort was alleviated somewhat by having to read the subtitles (it’s French). These helped draw my eyes away from the non-action until we saw some scenes outside the cryogenic unit.  

I cannot satisfy that request for now

Her only company is MILO, the onboard computer, although she has to figure out the right questions to ask - he is not going to give her info voluntarily. Once she made contact with the outside world, the conversation - and theories - opened up somewhat.

I solved the mystery of this confinement thriller (is that a subgenre?) her being there but had to watch to the end to see if I was right. So I made it through.


Next week, I am coming to you from inside a cinema.