Film - Fighting with my Family

Wow, now filmmakers are telling the story of someone who was only born in the 90s! Paige is currently just 26 and Fighting with my Family takes us back a short time to the start of this century when, having been born into a wrestling family, she is in the ring as a 13-year-old.For someone who doesn't like wrestling, this is the second movie centre around this world that I have enjoyed. It's no The Wrestler - one of my favourite films - thought it does have hope at it's centre.We learn, it’s not Paige who really had the real passion for wrestling as much as her older brother Zak, who plays his part in the family business by training the up and coming wrestlers, including, remarkable, a blind man!Her proud parents only have this one future planned for their children, although in the film they look much closer in age than the real-life 18-year difference. He  (Nick Frost) saved her from being homeless and she took him away from a life of crime. This is a partnership in every way and their love for each other and their family is as evident as their passion for wrestling. Much is made of the fact that they run their wrestling promotion business from Norwich.Whereas Paige did plenty of wrestling throughout her youth, the film centres on her trying out (auditioning) for WWE with her brother and only she gets signed. What follows is a story of her brother seeing his hopes and dreams being flushed down the (Virgin Trains) toilet while she follows her dream. Or it his dream? Or their parents' dream?Homesick and conflicted, Paige struggles to find a place in the artificial world wrestling in Florida full of ex-models and actors rather than the gritty wrestling world back in Norwich.The Rock is featured in the promo, which helps with selling tickets although the trailer pretty much has his whole screen time. However, even if like me, you have no time for wrestling - even though I was force-fed it as a kid as it’s the only thing Dad watched on TV all week - this film is a joy.7½/10

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