Film – Corporate

Watched on board Air Canada – Nov 2017This French film serves as an excellent reminder of why I prefer to remain away from the corporate culture. Emilie, casually glamorous like only the French can be, is hired as an executive to help cut costs by ‘getting rid’ of the most unproductive employees or those that cause the most hassle.Working in quiet, nonchalant, elegant way, the plan works until one of Emilie’s potential ‘victims’ commits suicide leaving a family and a trail of questions. This shakes her up and but she keeps going and tries to help her firm keep the truth from the press.Trying to damage limitation, the management start to panic and Emilie is implicated. With her career in freefall, Emilie has to decide whether to blow the whistle or do as her boss wants her to do. At this point, Emilie befriends the very assessor that has come to judge how she may be implicated and it's their relationship that really makes this film interesting.It may be an extreme story but it felt like everyone is just one step away from that slippery slope of being a complete monster of a manager. Having left so many jobs when I sensed the clients - or sometimes the employees – were not getting the best service, Corporate reminded me why I’m long out of that world.7½/10