Film - Christmas On The Square

Have a Dolly Holiday

Like the next sensible person,  I’ll always take a look at anything Ms Parton does.

This, however, seemed like any other made for TV Christmas film to me. The made-for-TV sort that ordinarily would be frowned upon by almost everyone* who said this was great.

It is the classic scrooge-esque tale of a woman who sells her town (only in America) to a developer and every single person in the said town is against it. Homelessness, poverty and adoption are all covered in this snow-filled tale until [spolier alert] the inevitable epiphany arrives. The town folk manage to break into song at every opportunity though so all is not lost. It has some funny moments thanks to some familiar faces amongst the cast but the dazzling array of rhinestones soon made me forget those.

Still, it was fun to predict what Dolly’s homeless angel would wear next.

*I will always look for these films during December although this year even I couldn’t get past the cliques and stuck with Mrs Miracle.

