Film: Blinded by the Light

The story of the book (Greetings from Bury Park) based on the events of Sarfraz Manzoor who grew up miserable in Luton but who's life changed when a school mate introduced him to the poetical music of Bruce Springsteen. I had a keen interest due to the parallels, although I stopped far short of the worship level this boy was at. I just mostly bought and enjoyed the music and to date, feel fine about seeing him three times rather than the 150 or so this guy has.

However, I grew up 20 miles away and had quite a different upbringing. For one thing, there was no pressure on any of us - well, me for certain, on what career we chose. I think Mum and Dad assumed, as were being educated and they were not, that we would make the right decision. Despite both my parents doing manual work, none of us ever thought we would, so when I listened to Springsteen’s lyrics, I just thought what a tough time of it American’s have. It was a case of how the other half lives.

As someone who kind of, loosely made the same pilgrimage they made in this film at around the same time, I want to know how they know all the relevant New Jersey places connected to the Boss? Obviously paid closer attention to interviews or read a lot of books - I did neither - as this is a long while before the internet. I just stepped over into the county from Manhattan for a day.

I went to New York on my first independent trip abroad when I was barely out of my teens and all I knew was that Springsteen came from Jersey. I had no idea the state was as big as Wales. That didn’t stop me wondering if any member of the E street walked down the street I did, or had a burger in the same place I did. 

The joy the author finds in Springsteen’s music pops out loudly from every scene. I could cope with the dream sequences too as they were quite fun and I laughed or cried through every moment of the film. So that makes it so much better than expected.
