Film: Blackberry

This is what you need to know about how Blackberry changed my life. I was reluctant at first as at that time, Blackberry was a status symbol for American socialites. I maintained my Nokia (5310?), my first smartphone would be fine but, actually, it was rubbish at synching emails.

I met with Mark from Utility Warehouse who somehow convinced me - I remember his name, that’s how momentous this occasion was, and I never looked back (until I begrudgingly moved to Android in 2012). I forever called it the Dooberry. It wasn’t until Obama’s staff talked about his addiction to the Crackberry during the presidential campaign that it became less of a status symbol and more of an essential communication tool.

“to put a computer on everybody’s hip”

So, you’d think a film about the geniuses who had the foresight to know that we needed a pocket computer combined with our phone would be fun, insightful and inspiring. This Blackberry film is not.

Far from being a love letter to the Blackberry, I left the cinema completely dejected.

For about 2 days afterwards.

Is it satire? Is it a dark comedy? It works as neither and it is as miserable as sin.

So for people who think Google invented maps and Apple invented the smartphone, know you are wrong.


PS I’ve written on the subject a couple of times:

12 years on (2016)

The Freedom to Work from Wherever You Choose (2009)