Book - New St Stories

The short stories in this book take you for a walk down New St and you will never see the street in the same way again. The oldest story is 400 years old and others are based on the present day. Plus there is everything in between to make you take a double take at every alleyway, building and manhole along Birmingham's most famous street and the neighbouring canal gets a starring role too.

More Canals than Venice - we kick off in the corporate world in and around Brindleyplace where once I got past to the main character who works in the young tourism industry being referred to formally as Miss Bronson, I settled into this hilarious tale of what happens on the canals of Birmingham. I'm unclear though, what year this is based but women do not come out well - they seem to be all about men and drinking.

Meet Me on the Corner - a beautiful war story.

Silver Star & Pumpkin Girl - is it the superheroes or the police that are protecting us?

Against the Odds - gambling addict and a convicted con-man, although there's always a touch of glamour with A. A. Abbott.

Pest control - magic, worms and racism all tackled here.

A Window Cracked - time travel (1978 and 2018). Original, creative & impeccably written, this sweet story left me wanting to know more.

The Six That Matches the Twelve - baby on the way, a witch, a fat wife and a Polish cafe owner although sadly nothing made of the amazing music that came through in 1981.

Philip's Decision - there's a civil war on New Street.

The Regent - going through the secret door to the cinema in 1983.

Busking It - police brutality, vampire slayers and Premier League football players.

Buffalo Bill and Peaky Blinders as we travel through time again.

Birmingham, BooksrjosenBirmingham