Book: How to be a Heroine by Samantha Ellis

It was by complete chance I came across this book, which is sub titled ‘Or, what I’ve learned from reading too much’. It has direct correlation with my own memoirs, currently in edit mode, about growing up with music and the places it’s influenced me to travel to. I love the premise of this publication. It delves into books like I delve into albums, dissecting them to make them to mean something only to me, at least that’s what it felt like at the time. In the same way, Samantha Ellis puts herself amongst her literary heroines, I put myself standing alongside the songwriters that have written the tracks I’ve most resonated with thoroughly my life.The author has also travelled to places to see her heroines come to life and the book starts with Wuthering Heights. I’ve travelled a little further – much of eastern America and western Canada plus Glasgow, Liverpool and of course Birmingham where I’ve lived three times since – but the journey to Yorkshire clearly meant a lot to the writer.I know I’m unusual for a writer; I’ve never read any of the books featured on the cover. I’ve read Little Women – many times during the first 20 years of my life, but other than that, I couldn’t relate to many of the characters featured. Therefore it was delightful to get a little synopsis each time. People are always surprised I haven’t read many of the classics, especially the one’s women usually seem to read, but life is too short and there are many books I want to read! I do love that Samantha Ellis was looking for the strong female role models in her childhood too.