Book - Birmingham Rose by Annie Murray

I’ve already read one of Annie Murray’s recent books so decided to go back to the start and read a few more. Like the Sisters of Gold, Birmingham Rose is set in Birmingham and opens pre-WW2 and takes us through the war years.

I’ve spotted a theme in the books; both feature a young woman who aspires to do better. In this case, Rose Lucas is born into a large Irish family and after a kindly teacher takes interest in her, decides that’s what she wants to do after leaving school. Then war happens and her dreams, like those of her Royalty-obsessed sister’s, are put on hold and their respective teaching and nursing aspirations are put to use in a different way.

I especially loved reading of her time in the army stationed in Italy and it’s not often I can say reading about the wartime has any joy.

There is plenty of heartache along with the rest of the family and others in the slums of Catherine Street. They unfairly bear the brunt of the brutalities of war although Rose’s new friend from the other sides of the track Diana has her fair share, money helps. The unjust society we live in is another trait through Murray’s books so far. I’m very much looking forward to reading and learning from the next one.