Book – Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit. By Sean Hepburn Ferrer

 Oh Audrey! What an impact you had on the world.This is not my first Audrey book; the last one that came out came to me as a much wanted birthday present a couple of years ago. I had a look through it at the time; it’s a most beautifully put together scrap book of momentous occasions, complete with copies of theatre tickets and other documents tucked inside but now it’s with all my other belongings in New York so I got this one out of the library to keep me going.I had read that Audrey’s eldest son had written a book although admittedly it is at least half filled with the most gorgeous family photos. Did the lady ever look anything less than serene, gracious and elegant yet with a girlish demeanour?Although Audrey is my style icon, I had never read anything about her, I just like her aura so it was nice to get to know Funny Face albeit that her life, like most artistes had a fair amount of uncertainty and sadness. I was quite taken when I realised she was born in England and not Holland or the US although it’s clear she had some English heritage.It makes the story all the more sweeter and inspiring.8/10Inspiration Factor 8/10