30 Songs in 30 Days: Day 03 – A Song That Makes You Happy

This one is easy; there are thousands of songs that make me happy, in fact the vast majority of music makes me happy.However, this one, makes me stop what I'm doing, dance around the room with a huge grin; no matter where I am in the world.[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op0upKxdvLs&w=480&h=390]It’s always been a childhood memory song (1975) but now also reminds me of my first Christmas in New York on my own in 2005.Having, treated myself to a couple of nights of pretending to be a Park Avenue Princess at the Waldorf Astoria, I’m staying the rest of the week at the then regular Chelsea Star Hotel. The film that’s being heavily advertised is this one, with the track constantly being played. Of course I have to see the film and I love the scene (but not all of the film) where the song is featured. It sums up how I feel about it PERFECTLY.[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wM0Zn3493o&w=640&h=390]